
Vocal Music Annual Fundraiser

Sing-A-Thon! is the annual fundraiser we have at the start of each school year for The Vocal Music Department here at CCHS. We love treating the community to amazing productions from recitals, to musicals, to Dinner Theater and more! We also strive to provide our students with a quality music experience in high school. This includes bringing in professional judges for The Solo and Ensemble Festival, bringing in a team of performing professionals for Broadway Camp, Purchasing new props and costumes, taking students on trips to experience live theater… and much, much more!

These things take financial support, and we need your help to make the magic come true for our kids! At the start of each year, our kids will have just over 2 weeks to reach out to people they know to help garnish Vocal music sponsors. There are several tiers of sponsors that come with various levels of rewards! Several levels include having your name in all our concert programs (and there’s a lot!) At the end of the 2 week process, we host an annual Ice Cream Social to celebrate the fundraiser! It is open to sponsors who donate at certain levels, and is always a crowd favorite performance that gets everyone involved! Information on how it works, details on the upcoming Fundraiser, AND current sponsor names can be found below.

It is never too late to become a sponsor of vocal music at cchs!

If you wish to become a sponsor at any point of the year after the fundraiser has concluded, please contact Ryan Walter Through the contact page.


How Does It Work???


Sing-A-Thon - 2024!

STARTS: September 12th

ENDS: October 1st

ICE CREAM SOCIAL: September 30th @ 5:30


Sponsors of CCHS Vocal Music

Updated names will appear here this October this year! Make sure to be one of them! :D

If you would like to be a sponsor of vocal music at CCHS, click the link below to contact the director.